LIC AAO Salary 2024, Job Profile And Allowances
LIC AAO Salary and Job Profile has been discussed in this article. Check LIC AAO Salary 2024, Job Profile, In Hand Salary Structure, Allowances & other benefits.

LIC AAO Salary 2024: Numerous people are drawn to applying for the desired position in the LIC because of the attractive LIC AAO salary and the distinguished career progression. In addition to a generous compensation package, it grants a number of benefits to executives hired by the Life Insurance Corporation of India. The LIC offers prestige, a respectable title, and job security. The right information on the LIC AAO salaries not only allays the candidates’ concerns but also encourages them to apply for the position. LIC also provides a wealth of job advancement chances. The LIC AAO pay will inspire aspirants to maintain their motivation to work for the LIC. Read the entire post to learn more about the LIC AAO salary, job description, potential for career advancement, and other information.
LIC AAO Salary 2024
LIC AAO Salary 2024 is among the most important and crucial examination topics. For many, having a position that offers a stable and lucrative career in India’s federal insurance industry is undoubtedly their ideal employment. Individuals who are considering working with the Life Insurance Corporation of India as an Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) or Assistant Engineer (AE) might be curious to learn more about the LIC AAO payment, in-hand wage, and comprehensive compensation structure. Every applicant or employee’s first consideration when pursuing employment is their LIC AAO compensation. We’ll talk about the job description, compensation, bonuses, and allowances that LIC AAO and AE are eligible for in this post.
LIC AAO Salary Structure 2024
The LIC AAO salary made up of a number of components; in addition to your base pay, other things are added to your take-home income. LIC provides its staff with a competitive compensation package. The wage package also includes a number of additional benefits, including house rent allowance and dearness allowance. Find out more about the basic salary here.
An overview of the pay structure is as given below:
- Basic pay: Rs. 53,600
- Annual increment for the next 14 years: Rs. 1,610
- Basic pay after increment: Rs. 62,315
- Annual increment for the next 4 years: Rs1,745
- Basic pay after increment: Rs. 92,870
One of the positions with the highest applicants is LIC AAO. A noteworthy aspect of this employment opportunity is the LIC AAO compensation that is being provided for the position. Due to the employment security and competitive pay, applicants from all over the nation apply for this position. Employees at LIC AAO are also provided with a variety of benefits. The LIC AAO salary slip contains a number of details, including basic pay and pay scale.
LIC AAO Salary 2024 Perks and Allowances
The LIC AAO in-hand compensation includes a number of benefits and allowances that collectively increase the amount. The privileges and reimbursements, in addition to the well-known work description and the attractive pay scale, add to the appeal of the position. The list of benefits and compensation included below.
House Rent Allowance (HRA)
The amount of the housing allowance varies by the location of the posting. It would amount to 9%, 8%, and 7% of the base compensation if the individuals stationed in major cities.
City Compensatory Allowance (CCA)
This could be 4%, 3%, or even 0% of the LIC AAO Basic Pay, depending on the location of the assignment.
Dearness Allowance (DA)
Every three months, the Dearness Allowance updated using the CPI (Consumer Price Index). The inflation rate and its variations have an impact on this. About 40% of the Basic Pay comes from this portion of the LIC AAO Payment.
A LIC AAO & AE will make a gross in-hand income of between Rs.58,000 and Rs.60,000 monthly.
LIC AAO Salary 2024 Advantages
- The total compensation, which will depend on the location of the assignment and include the House Rent Allowance (HRA) and any appropriate City Compensatory Allowance, will be around Rs.56,000 per month in cash.
- In addition, the candidates will receive a workplace pension, a bonus for passing the actual financial exam, LTC, a cash healthcare advantage, group individual insurance coverage, group health insurance, a vehicle loan in accordance with the rules, a daily food voucher, compensation for the expense of a briefcase or leather pack, a mobile phone, the provision of publications and magazines, tea and coffee, and mobile expenditure, among other rewards.
- Two advance increments are available to applicants who chosen for the position of AAO and have two years of post-qualification professional experience as of the qualifying period.
LIC AAO Salary- Job Profile
The job description for LIC AAO is entirely dependent on the openings in the company. Additionally, it is dependent on what the employer believes will best represent you. An Assistant Administrative Officer’s duties at LIC include administrative activities. In essence, it is a desk job. The responsibilities of a LIC AAO include the accompanying:
- Developing fresh plans, and examining new and existing regulations.
- Monitoring and submitting client complaints and reimbursements.
- Helping out and working with the various sectors.
- To finish the assignment that has allocated by the superior authority.
- Engaging with customers and responding to their inquiries.
- Examine current regulations for inaccuracies and false information.
LIC AAO Career Growth 2024
As a LIC AAO officer, you will have many opportunities to advance your position. Most bank candidates desire higher-level officer positions. To be qualified for advancement to the rank of officer, all applicants who seek to advance from the position of LIC AAO officer must submit an application, show up for the test, and complete at least two years of service.
- A company has retirements every year. For new hires in the organization, advancement opportunities are excellent.
- The minimal amount of time needed to elevated, nevertheless, ranges from 5 to 8 years, and the promotion strategy is not particularly aggressive.
There are so two avenues for professional growth:
- AAOs are eligible for promotion to Administrative Officer (AO), Assistant Divisional Administrator (ADM), Divisional Director, Senior Divisional Supervisor, Zonal Supervisor, and so forth after accumulating a specified number of years of work experience.
- Depending on your competence or interest, there are also opportunities to transfer to functional divisions internally. You can advance to the positions of Assistant Branch Manager (ABM) and Branch Manager there (BM).
LIC AAO Salary 2024- Probation Period
Check out the crucial information to keep in mind regarding the LIC AAO probationary period:
- A freshly hired AAO & AE will be on probationary for a full year after joining the company. Depending on how well you execute, this suspension may extended up to two years.
- Candidates must complete a minimum of four years of LIC service, including one with a probationary term.
- If an applicant does not complete the required amount of service time, they will required to pay damages in the range of 500 000 (Five Lakhs only) or any other sum that the Executive Director (Personnel) may deem appropriate.
- Applicants that chosen may transferred anywhere within India.
- The LIC offices in Mofussil have the majority of openings. As a result, aspirants will assigned for a minimum of three years in mofussil offices outside of their native districts after acceptance and finalization of education.