IBPS PO Mains Score Card 2023-24 Out,
IBPS PO Mains Score Card 2023-24 has released on 02nd February 2024 on the official website www.ibps.in. Here the PO Mains Score Card download link given in the article.

So iBPS PO Mains Score2023-24 Out: The Institute of Banking & Personnel Selection has released the PO Mains Card & marks for all the candidates who appeared in the Mains exam on 02nd February 2024.Hence IBPS uploaded the Score2023-24 with the section-wise marks scored by the candidates in mains exam. IBPS PO Mains & Marks 2023-24 uploaded at www.ibps.in and the candidates can check by using their registration number & password which was generated at the time of the registration process.
PO Mains Score 2023-24 Out
IBPS has conducted IBPS PO Mains 2023-24 on 05th November 2023. Now the candidates can download their IBPS Mains Score and Marks from the official website www.ibps.in. Institute of Banking & Personnel Selection (IBPS) firstly announce the qualifying status of the candidates for Mains Exam and then within a week Score Card will released at www.ibps.in. To know more about IBPS Mains Score and Marks, the candidates can go through the complete article.Mains Score 2023-24 and Mains Cut Off 2023-24 has released together for the IBPS 2023 Mains Exam.
IBPS PO Mains Score Card 2023-24
IBPS Mains Score 2023-24 link has activated on the official website www.ibps.in for IBPS PO Mains Exam on 02nd February 2024. Check all the important dates regarding IBPS PO Score Card from the below table.
IBPS PO Score Card 2023 | |
Organisation | Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Board (IBPS) |
Exam | IBPS PO 2023 |
Vacancies | 3049 |
Status | To be released |
IBPS PO Mains Exam Date | 05th November 2023 |
IBPS PO Score Card 2023-24 | 02nd February 2023 |
ibps po result 2023-24 | 30th January 2023 |
ibps po cutoff | 02nd February 2023 |
Selection Process | Prelims-Mains-Interview |
Official website | www.ibps.in |
IBPS PO Mains Score 2023-24 Download Link
IBPS Mains Score 2023-24 has released on 02nd February 2024 on the official website. The candidates have to login with their roll number and check their IBPS Mains Score 2023-24. IBPS Score 2023 is one of the important documents providing section-wise marks along with overall marks for mains examination. To know more about IBPS PO Score Card and Marks, the candidates can go through the complete article. IBPS PO Score Card 2023-24 and IBPS PO Cut Off 2023-24 has released. We have attached below the IBPS Mains Score Link
How to Check IBPS PO Mains Score2023-24?
To check IBPS PO Mains Scorecard 2023-24, a candidate must have the following details:
• Username/Registration Number
• Password/Date of Birth
Steps to Download Mains Score 2023-24
So given below are the steps that help you to download your Mains Score Card 2023-24 along at the official website www.ibps.in.So the candidates can either check their IBPS PO Mains Score card from the above-mentioned link or from the official website by following the below step.
Sstep 1: Visit the official website of Institute of Banking & Personnel Selection (IBPS) at www.ibps.in.
Step 2: Click on “CRP-PO/MT>>Common Recruitment Process for Probationary Officer/Management Trainee-XIII”.
Sstep 3: A new page appears, search for “Click here to Check Your Scores for Prelims Exam for IBPS PO-XIII”
Step 4: Enter your Registration number/ roll no and password / DOB. To check your Mains Score Card 2023-24.
Sstep 5: Pls match the Captcha Code.
Step 6: Your IBPS PO Mains Score Card 2023-24 is displayed on the screen. Download your IBPS PO Scorecard.
Sstep 7: Take a printout of the Scorecard for future reference.