SBI Clerk Expected Cut Off 2024, Category-wise Cut Off Marks
SBI clerk expected cutoff 2024 Based on the analysis conducted and difficulty level on 05th & 06th January 2024, we have prepared SBI Clerk Expected Cut Off 2024 for Prelims Exam and tabulated the same in the article below.

SBI Clerk Expected Cut Off 2024
The State Bank of India (SBI) will release the cut off marks for Clerk post after the declaration of the SBI Clerk Result 2024. Candidates who clear the cut off marks will shortlisted for the SBI Clerk Mains Exam. The SBI Clerk Cut Off marks and qualifying marks are the minimum scores to shortlist aspirants for the next round. Below, the SBI Clerk Expected Cut Off 2024 mentioned, which is prepared by the mockwale experts after the exam experience shared by the candidates can check sbi clerk notification
SBI Clerk Cut Off 2024
The State Bank of India will announce the SBI Clerk Cut Off 2024 for the preliminary test in February 2024. The cut off is the minimum qualifying marks that candidates need to score. In the exam in order to considered for the next round of selection process i.e. SBI Clerk Mains Exam. As there is no sectional cut off point for the SBI Clerk exam, applicants must achieve the overall cut point. The SBI Clerk cut off determined by a number of factors, including the number of vacancies. The number of individuals that apply, and the paper’s difficulty level.
candidates can download admit card here
SBI Clerk Prelims Expected Cut Off 2024
Based on the feedback of the candidates who have appeared in the SBI Clerk Prelims exam. The experts have shared the SBI Clerk Prelims Expected Cut Off marks for all the categories. This help them anticipate their chances of being shortlisted for the SBI Clerk Mains Exam. Here the category-wise SBI Clerk Expected Cut Off 2024 marks shared below for the reference of the aspirants.
SBI Clerk Expected Cut Off 2024 | |
State | Cut Off |
Gujarat | 62-66 |
Rajasthan | 75-79 |
Haryana | 77-81 |
Maharashtra | 64-68 |
Himachal Pradesh | 78-82 |
Uttar Pradesh | 79-83 |
Chhattisgarh | 74-78 |
Punjab | 73-77 |
West Bengal | 77-81 |
Madhya Pradesh | 79-83 |
Odisha | 80-84 |
Karnataka | 62-66 |
Tamil Nadu | 79-83 |
Kerala | 67-71 |
Uttarakhand | 79-83 |
Andaman Nicobar | 64-68 |
Arunachal Pradesh | 67-71 |
Assam | 66-70 |
Delhi | 81-85 |
Jharkhand | 67-71 |
Sikkim | 71-75 |
Telangana | 71-75 |
Factors Affecting SBI Clerk Cut Off
There are many factors that would decide the SBI Clerk Cut Off 2024. The candidates must know the factors which affect the Cut off marks. Check below to know about the factors affecting the cut-off marks.
- Number of Candidates: The total number of applicants influences the SBI Clerk cut-off marks. If there is a huge number of applicants, then the cut off marks and competition will also increase.
- Vacancies: The overall vacancies play a pivotal role in deciding the cut off marks. If there is less number of SBI Clerk vacancies, the cut-off marks will also be increase and vice-versa.
- Difficulty level: The difficulty level of questions asked in the SBI Clerk Prelims exam also decides the category-wise cut off marks. If the question’s difficulty level is easy, the cut-off marks will also be higher, and vice-versa.
- Candidate’s Performance: The marks secured in the exam decide the SBI Clerk cut-off marks. If there are a high number of test-takers, then the cut-off marks will also increase.